Records Management & Administration

This service provided by The Alcohol and Drug Testing Service, Inc. includes electronic maintenance of all test results, result reporting to a designated representative, and five year storage and documentation of positive test results.

Random Testing

Random selection of employees for testing can be managed through the TADTS consortium. TADTS will send the random lists to the designated representative at the start of each quarter or when instructed by a designated representative. The list will include a list of primary and alternate employees for testing. Our software also generates an audit trail that describes how primary and alternate selections are made for a particular random testing batch.

Record Keeping

TADTS will maintain all information required by the Department of Transportation. We will also develop additional databases to maintain any information required by your management staff. Management and statistical reports will be provided as requested.

TADTS currently uses the DrugPak® software suite which is the premier random drug and alcohol testing management software available today. All information is accessible only with applicable passwords.
